Saturday, April 8, 2023

Coronation watching pajama set

Making a matching set of pajamas for mother and daughter to watch coronation in.  They found fabric on Etsy and want to look royal and matching when they watch from their couch. The piping is a nice addition but is was hard to find!  I had to buy out the supply at Joanne's and Stitches.  


Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Dress jacket alteration

 My client got this jacket off of Amazon for an event. He needed the shoulders and back taken in but did not want to spend the money for a "tailor perfect" alteration.  (Which would cost more than the jacket). So, I was able to make the changes and make them look good.

Dress shortening

 Shortened 2 dresses. My client just told me how much she wanted taken off, dropped then off and voila!  No fitting needed.  Used my cover stitch machine to duplicate hem on originals. Saved the cut off hem to use so to tie order up.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

backpack zipper fix

This was a tough one. My client was a merchant sailor who was only in town for few days. The zipper on his favorite backpack broke. There was not time to shop for a zipper so I used something I had on my stash. It was superhard getting the zipper positioned and sewn because the fabric was very heavy,

But I did it and he sailed off with it.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Silk shirt copy

 My client had a 20+ year old silk shirt she got at Frederick and Nelson. She had me copy it in new silk, 3X.  I made it to match exactly. It was a little tough because the new silk was a little stiffer than her 20 year old silk but they turned out beautifully.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Customized Snowboard Jacket

 My client wanted a version of this jacket but not the exact style. I made 3 versions, all a little different but specific to the style and function he wanted

Friday, April 8, 2022

Cummerbunds and bow ties

Making set of custom cummerbunds and bow ties for UW Navy ROTC.  Go Dawgs!  Using a flannel so it is a little challenging but anything for my Huskies.

 Here is a new project for a client. Custom cummerbunds and bow ties.  This is for an event where